Our apartment building on Jumeirah Beach

Friday, April 4, 2014

They Paved Paradise

I was looking forward to some nice, long walks on the beach when I returned to Dubai in late March, so I was more than a little dismayed to discover a big paving project underway. Someone decided to pave a road right on the beach. A staging center for heavy equipment is now located in front of our building. The beep-beep-beep of the machines backing up and the low rumble of the ground are constant background noise. I also hear a weird marble rolling around sound, which seems to be located somewhere in our apartment.

This is not just a small road or bicycle/foot path. It's black asphalt, over a foot thick and two lanes wide. Why it's needed or wanted is anybody's guess. Only the police and other official vehicles are allowed to drive on the beach, and they seem to do okay without it.

Dubai just can't seem to stop building and leave well enough alone. Plus when you have all these migrant workers over here already, and money is no object, I guess you might as well keep them busy. I'm starting to understand how the natives must feel in seeing the beautiful parts of their landscape get built over and covered up. 

I wouldn't be surprised if I'm not allowed to ride my bike on it when it's finished. There's a bike path along the main beach road, two blocks away, but most other areas, including parks and shopping areas, are not bike friendly.  But I'm guessing with such a big road, they must be planning to allow cars. If so, they better put up a parking lot.

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